About Tank

Tank Crew represents some of the best crew in the industry and have had our crew work locally as well as internationally in locations like Budapest, Dubai, Morocco, Canada, Canary Islands, Mauritius, Scotland, Norway and Africa.

We take pride in our professional and friendly service we provide to the Production Houses and Crew that we work with, so please get in touch with us to assist with any of your crew requirements or for the best representation.

Tank is all about our crew and would be nothing without them.

Please note that Tank crew may not be booked directly and by accepting a booking sheet you accept our terms and conditions. Crew represented by us may not take jobs directly and on joining us also accept our terms and conditions.

We abide to the CPA (Commercial Producers Association) guidelines.

Our crew

Igshaan Dramat

2nd A.D., 3rd A.D., Office PA, PA, Spark, Unit Assistant, Unit PA

Jarrod Matthews

3rd A.D., Assistant production co-ordinator, Office PA, PA, Producer’s assistant, Talent driver, Unit Assistant, VFX data wrangler, VFX PA

Mzingisi Sigqumo

Driver, Unit Assistant, Unit PA, VTO assistant

Siya Hokisi

3rd A.D., Location assistant, PA, Unit Assistant

Vuyo (Vuyolwethu) Qabaka

Driver, Location assistant, PA, Unit Assistant

Contact us

Sandi-Lee Slabbert
Owner / Agent

Email: sandi-lee@tankcrew.co.za
Phone: 021 671 4791
A/H: 082 343 8872